.::[ Try to hack ]::.


Your word:

danish 2008 February 27, Wednesday 14:36

Ja, selvf�lgelig. V�rsgo.

Majed KFUPM 2008 February 24, Sunday 23:26

i will try my best KFUPM-KSA

pyrodouthat 2008 February 22, Friday 23:59

can someone please give me a hint on level 6? i turned my IE security on high, and looked at the source, and there are all these seemingly undefined variables like src, username, password, etc. and i cant find where they are defined/declared... a push in the right direction, please?

DeathEye 2008 February 20, Wednesday 23:50

How does lvl 7 works? I decompiled the .swf file with "Sothink SWF Decompiler but cant find the: username,password or link! :( plz someone help me

Roky12345 2008 February 20, Wednesday 16:46

=)) Done!!!! finally!!!!!!! XD Yessssss LoL, it waz hard

PiaNo.ONE 2008 February 16, Saturday 20:33

stuck at 3help oh' because im nice how to pass lvl 2 take the location.href from the script

Michael 2008 February 15, Friday 05:41

Omg im stuck on lvl 7... GRRR

Fenox 2008 February 14, Thursday 01:00

I cnt pass to the 4th lvl. In the 3rd i don't know what can I do. Proved keyboard shortcuts, but nothing happened...

andre54 2008 February 13, Wednesday 21:46

stuck on level 3... help please.... cant find any way 2 find the pw

roky12345 2008 February 11, Monday 16:37

what please? =/

setokaiba 2008 February 11, Monday 16:32


Roky12345 2008 February 11, Monday 15:12

OMFG... I wish I chould delete those msg's. I've done level 3. But now stuck at 4, not sure wat 2 do again OMFG. I cnt get anything out from the script so far, any hint?

Roky12345 2008 February 11, Monday 08:13

XD LoL, spamm... Sry 4 tht, but just did round 2. Now stuck at lvl 3... hint? ^^

Roky12345 2008 February 11, Monday 08:00

Hey, I got the script from lvl 2, but the passes are wrong, like a lot of you sead it didn't work. Is this supposed 2 be a trick, so we have 2 find it somewhere on the script or where?

Roky12345 2008 February 10, Sunday 23:25

I'm stuck at lvl 2. Totall brainfreeze, IDK how 2 start. Can you give me a hint?

tito 2008 February 7, Thursday 22:38

hahaha level 11 is to register our haxability. Nice game. please add more levels. thnx

tito 2008 February 7, Thursday 22:29

level 11 any ideias?

tito 2008 February 7, Thursday 22:25

stuck on level 9 anyone?

THG 2008 February 7, Thursday 22:11


tito 2008 February 7, Thursday 21:55

No clue how to get past level 7, anyone?

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